💍Engagement Photo🍂
カップルフォト 大阪府
What made you decide to use Capture My Japan this time?
I looked for a photographer in Osaka and came across Honoca’s work, I then decided that she was the photographer for us as I really loved the photos that were in her portfolio.
What made you want to shoot engagement photoshoot in Japan?
My girlfriend and I were coming to Japan for a holiday and I decided that it was time to propose to her.
Once again, thank you so much! I really enjoyed the shoot. I hope you did too.How was this shoot?
Honoca was great, a true joy to work with. I would definitely recommend anyone that is looking for a proposal / wedding photographer to look for her as she is fluent in English, very helpful with poses and locations, and has a very bright and bubbly attitude that made it very easy to work with her. Thank you so much Honoca and we wish you all the best in your future!
Area: 大阪
Date: 2023/12
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